Shale gas and fracking

SGR published a report examining the environmental and social dimensions of shale gas and fracking, together with some articles. The main outputs are listed here.


Shale gas and fracking: examing the evidence
Gwen Harrison, Stuart Parkinson and Gary McFarlane; July 2014

See also: Shale gas and fracking: Rebuttal to critics

Main presentations

He who pays the piper: universities, the oil and gas industry, and fracking
David Smythe; SGR conference, London; November 2016

Shale gas and fracking: introducing the key issues
Stuart Parkinson; Wakefield Council meeting, West Yorkshire; April 2015

Main articles

Fracking and public health: research update
Andrew Watterson; SGR Newsletter; November 2016

Shale gas and fracking: examining the evidence
Gwen Harrison and Stuart Parkinson; SGR Newsletter; February/March 2015

Shale gas: will it undermine progress on tackling climate change?
Martin Quick; SGR Newsletter; December 2011

Examples of media coverage

It's fracking dangerous
The Mirror; 5 August 2014

Fracking regulation 'inadequate'
Professional Engineering; 25 July 2014