Organisational members

SGR welcomes affiliations from organisations such as academic research centres, professional associations, trade unions, student societies, peace/environmental organisations or ethically focused businesses. Organisational membership is open to those who share SGR’s concerns and have an interest in the positive use of science, design and technology. Specifically, they will agree with SGR's values and aims.

Organisational members receive: copies of our Responsible Science journal including news and feature articles on the latest ethical issues in science and technology; discounts on SGR events and SGR reports and other publications.

Most importantly, you will be supporting the work of an increasingly influential network of ethically concerned science, design and technology professionals.

Fees for organisational membership are currently:

  • Small organisation:             £50 p.a.
  • Medium organisation:        £200 p.a.
  • Large organisation:           £500 p.a.

Please email us to discuss joining SGR as an organisational member.