Introductory booklet
Editors: Stuart Parkinson and Vanessa Spedding
Published : Summer 2001
Pages : 32
Price : £2.50 (Free to students and to SGR members)
Publisher : Scientists for Global Responsibility
This booklet takes an initial look at issues such as genetics, climate change, arms, militarisation of space, animal experiments, cleaner technology, information technology, and science funding. In addition, it describes the experiences of working scientists and how they have dealt with many of these issues. Contributors include Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat, inventor of the World-Wide-Web Dr Tim Berners-Lee and the well-known commentator on biotechnology issues Dr Mae-Wan Ho.
It [the introductory booklet] provides exactly the type of information and advice that's missing from undergraduate science courses. It has a good, clear structure and I feel it is pitched at just the right level. Fantastic!
Biology undergraduate, Imperial College London, UK
An excellent resource for students who grapple with ethical dilemmas in relation to their current and future career choices.
Careers Service, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand