The detrimental effects of commercial influence on science and technology
Author : Chris Langley and Stuart Parkinson
Published : October 2009
Pages : 80
Price : £13.50 (£9.00 to SGR members)
Publisher : Scientists for Global Responsibility
It is no secret that links between the commercial sectors and science and technology are increasing. Many policy-makers, business leaders and members of the science community argue that this is positive for both science and society. But there is growing evidence that the science commercialisation agenda brings with it a wide range of detrimental effects, including bias, conflicts of interest, a narrowing of the research agenda, and misrepresentation of research results. This report takes an in-depth look at the evidence for these effects across five sectors: pharmaceuticals; tobacco; military/defence; oil and gas; and biotechnology. Its findings make disturbing reading for all concerned about the positive role of science and technology in our society.
Produced as part of SGR's Corporate influence on science and technology programme.
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