Winter 2008
Feature articles cover: military R&D v. renewable energy R&D; climatic impact of nuclear war; UK nuclear weapons and employment; 'peak oil'; environmental impacts of bathing; UK planning policy; arms trade success; 'Missile Defence' in Europe; military robotics; biofuels and sustainability; ethics in science
Feature articles
- Military R&D 85 times larger than renewable energy R&D
- Could one Trident submarine cause 'nuclear winter'?
- The employment benefits of not replacing Trident
- Peak oil: why it will not help the climate change problem
- The CO2 and H2O costs of bathing
- Undermining democracy in the planning process
- Measures of success: two steps closer to ending the arms trade
- US 'missile defence' in Europe: who needs it?
- The grim reality of robots at war
- Can large-scale biofuels be sustainable?
- The universal ethical code for scientists - how good is it?
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