From Militarism to Sustainability

Campaigning for ethical engineering and science in the UK

A chapter, written by Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, in a new book entitled Peace Engineering: When personal values and engineering careers converge

1 September 2013

Contents list:

Chapter 1: The Evolution of Peace Engineering - P. Aarne Vesilind

Chapter 2: Building a Proactive Pro-Peace Culture in Engineering - Robert B. Textor

Chapter 3: The Morality of Weapons Research - John Forge

Chapter 4: Just Engineering: Green and Good - Daniel A. Vallero

Chapter 5: Engineering and the Threat of Terrorism - P. Aarne Vesilind

Chapter 6: Working for Peace in International Emergencies: The Varied Roles of Engineers and Engineering - Dennis B. Warner

Chapter 7: Military Engineering Education: To Promote Peace, Not War - Joe D. Manous, Jr.

Chapter 8: Working for Peace in the Peace Corps - Theresa Good

Chapter 9: Marquette University Chapter of Engineers Without Borders in Guatemala: What We Have Learned About Real Engineering - Elyse O’Callaghan and Jacob Schueller

Chapter 10: University Life and Peace Engineering - P. Aarne Vesilind

Chapter 11: From Ghosts Behind the Machines to Just Engineers: How Engineering Can Promote Peace - W. Richard Bowen

Chapter 12: Prohibiting Lethal Autonomous Robots - Noel Sharkey

Chapter 13: From Militarism to Sustainability: Campaigning for Ethical Engineering and Science in the UK - Stuart Parkinson

Chapter 14: Turbulent Fluid Mechanics, High Speed Weapons, and the Story of the Earth - George Catalano

Chapter 15: Man Rescues Coast Guard - Stephen Unger

Chapter 16: Engineering and War - Dean Nieusma and Ethan Blue

Chapter 17: Some Peace Engineers of Note - P. Aarne Vesilind

Chapter 18: Career Choices in Peace Engineering - Dennis Warner

This book can be ordered from Lakeshore Press.