Scientists for Global Responsibility – a UK campaign group, with about 1000 members – today moved into its new offices at Halton Mill, an eco-renovated former industrial building just outside Lancaster.
Press release, 31 August 2013
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) promotes science, design and technology that contribute to peace social justice and environmental sustainability – hence its move to a development which embodies many of its values.
Halton Mill has been renovated to high environmental standards. It has been awarded an ‘A’ graded Energy Performance Certificate due to its upgraded insulation, and its use of onsite renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal panels and a wood chip boiler – for hot water and heating – and solar photovoltaic (pv) panels for electricity. A micro-hydro power plant is planned to be up and running by the end of 2014.
Halton Mill is owned by Lancaster Cohousing, a not-for-profit company which has also built an award-winning eco-housing development next door. The development comprises 41 eco-homes – built to the exacting ‘PassivHaus’ standard and the highest level of the Code for Sustainable Homes – as well as community facilities.
Dr Stuart Parkinson, Executive Director of SGR, said, “We chose to move our office to Halton Mill because the development exemplifies many of the environmental and social principles that SGR believes should be at the heart of work in science, design and technology.”
Media contacts:
For SGR, Stuart Parkinson: 07941 953640
For Halton Mill, Alison Cahn: 07946 488959
1. SGR is an independent membership organisation of about 1000 natural and social scientists, engineers, IT professionals and architects. It was formed in 1992. SGR's work is focused on several issues, including climate change, sustainable energy, disarmament, and who controls science and technology? Its sponsors include Prof Stephen Hawking, former President of the Royal Society Prof Martin Rees, and leading architect Richard Rogers. For more information, see /
2. The official opening of Halton Mill will take place between 1pm and 4pm on Saturday 31 August, with a series of community-orientated activities, including the appearance of mechanical elephant built at the site 60 years ago. All are welcome. For more details, see
3. For more details about the environmental aspects of Halton Mill, see:
4. The PassivHaus standard requires that home energy use is minimised – leading to energy savings in the region of 90%. The highest level – level 6 – of the Code for Sustainable Homes requires a range of high standards for environmental and living conditions to be met. More details can be found at