Emerging technologies: are the risks being neglected?

SGR Conference and AGM 2011

Alan Baxter and Associates’ Gallery, London, UK; 21 May


  • Geo-engineering the Climate
    Prof Joanna Haigh, Imperial College London
  • Robots on the Battlefield: Ethical and Humanitarian Implications
    Prof Noel Sharkey, Sheffield University
  • Emerging Technologies and Risk: the Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions
    Dr Bronislaw Szerszynski, Lancaster University

Eight posters were presented in the afternoon session

A summary, powerpoint presentations, and newsletter articles are available from this event.

Summary, including list of posters [pdf; 133KB]

Geo-engineering the Climate (article) [pdf; 70KB]

Geo-engineering the Climate (presentation)

Automating Warfare is Ethically Dangerous [pdf; 59KB]
(article based on the presentation 'Robots on the Battlefield: Ethical and Humanitarian Implications')

Emerging Technologies and Risk: the Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions (article) [pdf 72 KB]

Emerging Technologies and Risk: the Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions (presentation)

The conference was also covered in a three-page article in the June 2011 issue of Professional Engineering

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