

SGR Conference and AGM 2009


  • The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan - Where are we going?
    Dr Tim Foxon, Sustainability Research Institute, Leeds University/ SGR
  • Arms conversion for a low carbon economy
    Prof David Webb, Praxis Centre, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • A trade union programme for the creation of one million climate-change jobs
    Dr Gareth Dale, Brunel University

Eight posters were presented in the afternoon session.

Summary by Kate Macintosh and Stuart Parkinson



SGR Conference and AGM 2008


  • Social Housing: From Paternalism to Cooperatives
    Kate Macintosh MBE, Vice Chair, SGR
  • Making Sustainable Building and Places
    Prof Sandy Halliday, Gaia Research

Ten posters were presented in the afternoon session.

Summary by Alasdair Beal



SGR Conference and AGM 2007

Main presentations:
'Climate change and conflict' - Dan Smith, Secretary-General, International Alert
'Energy, peak oil and conflict' - Dr Mandy Meikle, Depletion Scotland

Workshops: Water and conflict - past, present and future; Using less in our homes; Volunteering for SGR

Summarised by Stuart Parkinson, Martin Quick, Tim Foxon, Sean Macintosh


SGR Conference and AGM 2006

Main presentations:
'Making Peacebuilding Work' - Prof John Sloboda, Executive Director, Oxford Research Group
'Implementing Sustainable Energy at a Local Level' - Dr Philip Webber, Kirklees Metropolitan Council/ SGR

Workshops: Science and Positive Security - Tools for Change; SGR and the Trade Union Movement; Finding an Ethical Career in Science, Design and Technology


SGR/AESR Conference and AGMs 2005

Main presentations:
'From Space Weapons to Basic Human Needs: Technology and the Security Agenda' - Prof David Webb, Leeds Metropolitan University
'Nuclear Power: They Can't Be Serious!' - Prof Mark Whitby, Whitbybird Ltd
'The Role of Solar Electricity in Sustainable Building' - Prof Keith Barnham, Imperial College, London

Summary by Patrick Nicholson


On 19th January 2005, SGR launched its groundbreaking new report 'Soldiers in the Laboratory: Military involvement in science and technology - and some alternatives' at the Houses of Parliament. We assembled some eminent speakers for the event: Ian Gibson (Chair, House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology) and Steven Rose (Professor of Biology, Open University), as well as report author, Chris Langley.


SGR Conference and AGM, 2004

University of London Union; 15 May 2004

Main presentations:
'Eco-efficiency of Quality of Life, not Economic Activity' by Roger Levett, Levett-Therivel Sustainability Consultants
'Sustainable Consumption, Eco-Taxation and Social Justice' by Dr Simon Dresner, Policy Studies Institute

Workshops: The link between unsustainable consumption and conflict; Overcoming the barriers to sustainable energy use; The role of new technologies in the transition to a sustainable world; Moving to a sustainable food system

Summary by Patrick Nicholson



The SGR Conference and AGM 2003 took place at the Friends Meeting House, London; 13 September 2003. Presentations included:'The Risk of Nuclear Terrorism' by Dr Frank Barnaby, Oxford Research Group; and 'An End to the UK's Nuclear Weapons' by Prof John Finney, British Pugwash Group/ University College London


SGR discussion meeting

University of London Union; 10 November 2002

Main presentations:
'Science, Knowledge and the Public Good' by Dr Nicholas Maxwell, University College London
'Introduction to the Convention on Knowledge' by Dr Mae Wan Ho, Director, Insitute of Science in Society

Summary by Patrick Nicholson


Seminar organised by the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES) in co-operation with SGR and Dept of Peace Studies, Bradford University. This seminar was arranged so that member groups of INES could discuss security issues in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks. In particular it was focussed on discussing alternatives to militarisation, including conflict prevention, disarmament and peace in the context of sustainable development.