SGR conference and AGM 2014
Halton Mill, Halton, Lancaster, UK; 4 October
Main presentations:
The case for urgent and radical carbon emission reductions
Dr Maria Sharmina, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester
How can we live well within natural limits? Case studies of One Planet Living
Sue Riddlestone OBE, Chief Executive, BioRegional
The event also included workshops on community energy projects and sustainable living, and tours of eco-homes and renewable energy technologies.
A summary of the event, together with the presentations, is now available to download.
Files to download:
Living within environmental limits: conference summary
pdf [0.6MB]
The case for urgent and radical carbon emission reductions
pdf of presentation [2.1MB]
video of presentation [YouTube]
How can we live well within natural limits? Case studies of One Planet Living
pdf of presentation [7.8MB]
video of presentation [YouTube]
What does sustainable living look like?
pdf of presentation [1.8MB]
video of presentation [YouTube]
Community low carbon energy: overcoming obstacles
pdf of presentation 1 [0.3MB]
pdf of presentation 2 [0.7MB]
video of presentation (pt1) [YouTube]
video of presentation (pt2) [YouTube]
Conference supporter: Halton Lune Hydro