From science to activism: how should action follow climate research?

Our 2021 conference was held on 6 October via Zoom, including the following presentations:

  • Keynote:  Dr. Lewis Akenji, Director of the Hot or Cool Institute

What do 1.5C lifestyles look like? Using climate science to inform the kind of lifestyles we can enjoy while still preventing climate breakdown.

Download Lewis's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (8 minutes)


  • Andrew Simms, Assistant Director, SGR

Implementing the Science Oath for the Climate.

Download Andrew's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (8 minutes)


  • Dr. Liz Kalaugher, Responsible Science Campaigner, SGR

Breaking carbon chains in professional science: ending fossil fuel finance of science and technology bodies.

Download Liz's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (6 minutes)


  • Dr. Stuart Parkinson, Executive Director, SGR

The military carbon bootprint: uniting climate and peace activism.

Download Stuart's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (13 minutes)


  • Dr. Jan Maskell, Vice-chair & Education Director, SGR

Overview of SGR's climate-related STEM education activities

Download Jan's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (7 minutes)


  • Dr. Emily Heath, Office Manager, SGR

Nine ways to support climate activism in schools, colleges and universities.

Download Emily's slides (pdf)

Watch the video on YouTube (6 minutes)


Download the conference programme [pdf], including summaries of the presentations.

The conference was followed by SGR's Annual General Meeting. Download the AGM agenda [pdf] including minutes of the 2020 AGM, NCC nominations for 2021/22 and a discussion paper on SGR's legal status. Our Annual Report 2020/21 was also referred to.


Photo of protest with banner reading Climate Action Now
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