Issues: Who controls science and technology?

Who controls science and technology?

SGR produces a range of resources on the issue of 'Who controls science and technology?' This includes the power of vested interests (especially the military and private corporations), openness and democracy in science, and public engagement and participation. Two of our main projects focus on military influence on science and technology, and corporate influence on science and technology.

ISIS-SGR-INES-TWN Discussion Paper

Mae-Wan Ho, Eva Novotny, Philip Webber and E E Daniels

Prepared for conference in November 2002, and subsequently modified

SGR's work includes the promotion of constructive dialogue between scientists and non-scientists. An important condition for a dialogue between equals is that the assessment of science funding applications be democratised.

Article by Alan Cottey, late 2001

... the case for doing some scientific projects in a radically open manner, supported by an Open Science Protocol

Article by Alan Cottey, late 2001

This booklet takes an initial look at issues such as climate change, arms, cleaner technology, militarisation of space, genetics, animal experiments, information technology, and science funding. In addition, it describes the experiences of working scientists and how they have dealt with many of these issues. Contributors include Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat, inventor of the World-Wide-Web Dr Tim Berners-Lee, and the well-known commentator on biotechnology issues Dr Mae Wan Ho.

Edited by Stuart Parkinson and Vanessa Spedding; summer 2001


This article by Stuart Parkinson, SGR, is reprinted with minor revisions from SGR Newsletter Number 23, July 2001