SGR Conferences
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) organises a conference roughly once a year (in the autumn) on issues of concern related to science, design and technology.
Keynote speakers are leading researchers/commentators in their field, and the event also includes SGR's Annual General Meeting, together with poster sessions or workshops.
This section of the website includes reports of previous conferences. Links to conference presentations and related material are provided where available.
SGR Conference and AGM 1996
Mary Ward House, London WC1; 16 November 1996
Main presentation:
'Climate Change - The Inter/Intra-National Politics of Contraction and Convergence' by Aubrey Meyer, Global Commons Institute
Workshops: Toxic Legacy - Military Bases; Wings of Death - Low-Level Radiation; SGR Policy 2000
Summary by Dani Kaye and Alasdair Philips
SGR Conference and AGM 1995
London; November 1995
Main presentations:
'Science and the Environmental Ethic' by George Monbiot, Oxford University
'The Natural Step' by Dr David Gladstone, The Natural Step
Workshops: Science Matters; Ethics Guide; Electro-Magnetic Fields and Health