Globally Responsible
Careers in STEM

Water engineer

Water engineers are responsible for the supply of clean water, the disposal of wastewater and sewage and the prevention of flood damage. As a water engineer, the provision of clean water will be your main concern, but you may work with a variety of other liquids as well. Asset management will play a major part in your work and you will be involved in the repair, maintenance and building of structures that control water resources. Examples include sea defence walls, pumping stations and reservoirs.

You may become involved in broader water-related issues, such as climate change, ageing infrastructure, population growth and quality of living standards. Water engineer is a generic title given to engineers who specialise in water-based projects. Many have a civil engineering or environmental background.

Related SDG Goal
SDG Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
SDG Goal 13: Climate action
SDG Goal 14: Life below water

SGR, Globally Responsible Careers 2021