Issues: Emerging technologies

Emerging technologies

SGR produces a range of resources on the issue of 'Emerging technologies'. This covers a wide range of new and controversial technologies such as hydraulic fracturing (fracking), artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, climate/ geo-engineering, genetically-modified organisms and synthetic biology, and nanotechnologies. An explicit concern is the adequate application of the precautionary principle, and the possible alternatives to emerging technologies, including 'appropriate' technology and non-technological solutions such economic, political or social change.

SGR Submission, written by Eva Novotny, to the Consultation on proposals for managing the coexistence of GM, conventional and organic crops, July 2006

Alexis Vlandas, Oxford University, discusses some ways in which nanotechnology might be managed to try to prevent negative environmental, security, health or social impacts.

Article from SGR Newsletter no. 32, June 2006

12 inspiring cases of ethical careers in science and technology

Booklet edited by Stuart Parkinson and Vanessa Spedding; April 2006

12 scientists and engineers tell of their experiences in trying to follow an ethical career. The cases cover a wide range of issues relating to the environment, social justice, the military, and animal welfare.


Letter by Eva Novotny, SGR, to Margaret Beckett, MP, Secretary of State for the Environment, 25 March 2005

UK assessment report to market Monsanto's GM maize cross NK603 x MON810 in Europe
Text of submission to a public consultation by Eva Novotny, SGR, on 19 April 2004

Article by Eva Novotny, 16 March 2004

Text of an SGR letter sent to the Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Tony Blair, MP, on 6 November 2003

Annexe to the SGR Response to the 'GM Science Review - First Report' by Dr Eva Novotny, 5 November 2003

SGR Response to the 'GM Science Review - First Report' by Dr Eva Novotny, 15 October 2003