Issues: Other issues

Other issues

SGR resources which fall outside of our main four 'issues' - including general material - are listed here. This covers issues such as the built environment, sustainable development and space technology.

With energy use in buildings being a major contributor to carbon emissions, reducing that energy use is a goal that is gaining considerable support. However, Genevieve Jones, SGR, argues that if there is too much focus on using technology to achieve that goal, and not enough on considering human behaviour, energy use may actually be increased rather than reduced.

Article from SGR Newsletter no. 40, autumn 2011 (published online 14 December 2011)

Mandy Meikle suggests that the focus on a low carbon future, rather than a low energy society, is sending us down the wrong path.

Article from SGR Newsletter no. 40, autumn 2011 (published online 26 October 2011)

Mohan Munasinghe, Munasinghe Institute for Development, recently proposed a progressive development concept at the UN, that would mirror the Millennium Development Goals for the poor with a complementary set of targets for the rich, enabling them to contribute towards sustainable development.

Article from SGR Newsletter no. 40, autumn 2011 (published online 26 October 2011)

Stuart Parkinson, SGR, takes an initial look at the lessons from the Japanese tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear emergency. He argues that if societies are to be more ‘resilient’ to environmental risks, then major socio-economic and technological changes are critical.

Article for SGR website, 17 March 2011

With a subsidiary of major arms company, Lockheed Martin, being a lead contractor for the UK’s 2011 census, Geoff Meaden asks if the data collected will really be secure.

Article from SGR Newsletter no. 39, winter 2011 (published online 4 March 2011)

Presentation by Stuart Parkinson, SGR, given to IT students at Birmingham University on 18 February 2011

Presentation by Stuart Parkinson, SGR, at York University on 10 February 2011

Stuart Parkinson, SGR, examines the government’s spending cuts.

Article from SGR Newsletter No. 39, winter 2011 (published online: 26 January 2011)