Issues: Other issues

Other issues

SGR resources which fall outside of our main four 'issues' - including general material - are listed here. This covers issues such as the built environment, sustainable development and space technology.

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) - an independent UK organisation of professionals which promotes science, design and technology for peace, social justice and environmental sustainability - celebrates its 25th anniversary today.

21 June 2017

Dr Jan Maskell, SGR, gives an overview of another successful week of inspirational science education activities.

ResponsibleSci blog, 24 March 2016

Science4Society Week runs for its second year, providing an expanded range of inspiring education activities for young people, including our new 'Design an Eco-Community' competition. It was set up to provide an alternative to science education activities funded by the arms and fossil fuel industries, such as 'The Big Bang Fair'. Science4Society Week 2016 runs from 14th to 20th March.

Media release, 29 February 2016

Dr Jan Maskell, SGR, describes the activities for young people which our organisation undertook as part of its first Science4Society Week in 2015 - and looks at what is planned for March 2016.

Article from SGR Newsletter no.44; advance online publication: 19 January 2016

Media release, 27 February 2015

Insulation has little 'wow' factor compared to solar panels, but greater potential to reduce carbon emissions cheaply. However, it is crucial that we consider the energy required for their manufacture: natural, non-toxic
materials consume the least energy and are safer for human health, argues Dr Tom Woolley, Rachel Bevan Architects.

2 January 2013


Bumper 20th anniversary issue published - 11 expert authors provide important and novel analysis of controversial issues in science, design and technology.

Press release, 22 October 2012