ResponsibleSci blog

Science and technology develop with astonishing speed raising constant questions about their responsible practice. Our Responsible Science blog is where we tackle these issues as they arise. Please get in touch if there is something happening on our agenda that you think we should know about or would like to suggest an article.

ResponsibleSci blog, 18 December 2014

Stuart Parkinson and Peter Mumford outline just how much more action is needed by industrialised countries if we are to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

ResponsibleSci blog, 5 December 2014


Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, argues that the publication of the latest IPCC report and fatal crash of SpaceShipTwo should spur engineers, scientists and others into putting more effort into reducing carbon emissions.

ResponsibleSci blog, 5 November 2014

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, argues that different views on the ethics of technology could be the deciding factor in the Scottish independence referendum.

ResponsibleSci blog, 11 September 2014

Dr Philip Webber, SGR, takes a hard look at the government's track record in the UK home energy efficiency sector.

ResponsibleSci blog entry, 19 May 2014

The publication of the latest volume from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - which focuses on reducing carbon emissions - has coincidentally come as the annual figures on global military spending are released. Comparing these sources provides a revealing insight into the priorities of our political masters - and how they misuse science and technology.

ResponsibleSci blog entry by Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, 14 April 2014


ResponsibleSci blog entry by Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, 28 March 2014