Issues: Security and disarmament

Security and disarmament

SGR produces a range of resources on the issue of 'security and disarmament'. This covers military technologies, arms control and disarmament (esp. nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, ‘Missile Defense’, conventional weapons) - as well as alternative concepts of security, peace building and conflict prevention.

Scientists and engineers have a central role in the development of weapons and therefore share a special responsibilty to society. SGR's project work has investigated the extensive influence that the military has over science and technology.

The Zaporizhzhia region in Ukraine houses the largest nuclear power station in Europe. It is currently in an intensely fought war zone. Dr Philip Webber, SGR, explains some of the risks of radiation releases that this poses, both nationally and internationally.

17 April 2024 (updated)

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, looks at the ways in which our use of military-friendly language and our acceptance of military funding and branding - including in science and technology - can increase society's acceptance of war.

12 April 2024

Dr Philip Webber and Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, assess the scale of the Israeli military assault in comparison with other wars, and consider the possibilities for peace.

13 March 2024 (updated)

Prof Paul Rogers, University of Bradford, examines the interlinkages between the world’s major crises, and outlines some ways forward.

21 February 2024

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, summarises the ways in which militaries and nuclear weapons can contribute to catastrophic climate change.

17 November 2023



Dr Philip Webber, SGR, debunks many of the myths used to justify the continued development and deployment of nuclear weapons, both in the UK and globally.

9 November 2023

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, examines the latest data on the carbon emissions of the UK military - and reveals new insights on military claims that they are 'greening' their activities.

29 September 2023


Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, outlines how military involvement in UK science and technology is increasing rapidly, and argues that more needs to be done to challenge this.

1 August 2023


Dr Philip Webber, SGR, summarises the key scientific and technological information on the current threat from nuclear weapons.

20 July 2023 (updated)

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, summarises the latest research on what is – and isn’t – known about the size of global military carbon emissions.

8 July 2023