SGR's publications are free to download. If you value our work, please consider making a donation or becoming an SGR member.


UK military environmental impacts - report cover

This report assesses the key environmental impacts of the UK military, arms industry and related sectors - including an estimate of their carbon footprint. Jointly published with Declassified UK.

Stuart Parkinson

May 2020

Responsible Science no 2

Responsible Science is SGR's new journal in which we explore some of the biggest ethical challenges facing science and technology today. Features cover: climate tipping points; scientific responsibility during the climate emergency; arms exports; military carbon emissions; environmental behaviour change; nuclear arms control; and much more!

It comes with membership of SGR and keeps you up-to-date with what we’re doing.

March 2020


This briefing examines the importance of behaviour change across society to help tackle the climate crisis, and the potential of scientists and engineers to act as role models for such change.

Andrew Simms with Stuart Parkinson

November 2019

Irresponsible Science?

This report reveals how fossil fuel and arms corporations are financing professional engineering and science organisations and explores the range of problematic issues that result.

Stuart Parkinson and Philip Wood

October 2019


Responsible science journal no.1

Responsible Science is SGR's new journal in which we explore some of the biggest ethical challenges facing science and technology today. Features cover: risks of AI; climate change impacts; robotic weapons; sustainable transport; UK nuclear weapons; plastic pollution; and much more!

It comes with membership of SGR and keeps you up-to-date with what we’re doing.

February 2019


This report summarises a range of concerns about the rapid advances in AI and robotics - in areas such as lethal autonomous weapons, accidental nuclear war, fake news, online privacy, driverless cars and more...

Andrew Simms with Stuart Parkinson

November 2018


Winter 2018

Feature articles cover: nuclear weapons - current threats and opportunities; melting of Arctic ice cap; cars and climate change; air pollution; protecting the oceans; Brexit and universities; EU military R&D; nuclear weapons accidents in UK; radical science in 1980s



Winter 2017

Feature articles cover: cyber-security threats to nuclear weapons; renewable energy expansion; commercialisation of UK universities; links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons; landmines; fracking and public health; arms and fossil fuels industries in schools; nuclear submarine risks.


SGR Newsletter 44

Winter 2016

Feature articles cover: failings in UK climate policy; the flaws of nuclear deterrence; climate impacts of space tourism; the risks of another Chernobyl/ Fukushima; ocean acidification; military science and technology; the Paris climate agreement; teaching science ethics

Nuclear Weapons: A catstrophe in the making

This report updates and summarises the latest scientific and technical information about the risks posed by the continued deployment of the UK's nuclear weapons.

Philip Webber and Stuart Parkinson